Modern and Future Climate (Course Coordinator)

[3rd year Undergraduate ATOC30006]

School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Melbourne
Semester 2

Syllabus: Examination of the key processes that maintain our present climate and how these may change into the future with climate change. We examine this by studying the controlling mechanisms for key conserved quantities in the Earth System such as energy, moisture, angular momentum and key trace gases.

The subject also introduces the various techniques used for climate predictions globally and locally. These include the modelling of climate change and the use of emission scenarios. Interpretation and statistical analysis of future-climate scenarios and the use of ensemble simulations.

University Handbook

Computational Geosciences (Course Co-Convener along w/ Louis Moresi)

[Undergraduate/Honours EMSC4033; Masters EMSC8033]

Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University
Semester 1
2021 - to date

Syllabus: Fundamental concepts of computer programming and the Python programming language. Aims include: (i) develop students’ problem-solving skills; (ii) give students a clear understanding of the fundamental concepts of computer programming, such that they are in a good position to learn any programming language required for their research; and (iii) ensure that all students have core competencies in the Python programming language, which will later be utilized in their research for tasks such as modeling, scripting, analyzing and processing data and generating high-quality figures for presentations and publications.

Class Github Repository and Online Book

Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics Winter School 2021 (main lecturer along w/ Annie Foppert and Martin Singh)

ARC Centre for Climate Extremes, Australian National University
June 21-25, 2021

Winter School website.

Syllabus: Basics of atmosphere and ocean dynamics.

Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics Winter School 2020 (main lecturer along w/ Annie Foppert and Martin Singh)

ARC Centre for Climate Extremes, University of Tasmania
June 22-26, 2020 (via Zoom due to COVID-19)

Syllabus: Basics of atmosphere and ocean dynamics.

The School had to change format due to COVID-19. There was only a “teaser” version of the lectures given via Zoom. More info and related material in the school’s Website.

The Slides + Jupyter notebooks reproducing animations that were used in these “teaser” lectures can be found in a GitHub repository.

Basics of Dynamical Systems and Bifurcation Theory (Course Coordinator)

Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University
Summer Semester, 2020

Syllabus: Basics of Dynamical Systems and Bifurcation Theory

Three lectures (by Prof. Henk Dikjstra) + Three workshops with discussion and hands-on problem solving (by myself)

Class Website

Instabilities in fluids (Course Coordinator)

Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University
Semester 2, 2018

Syllabus: Basics of hydrodynamics stability theory, modal stability of parallel shear (stratified) flows, non-modal stability and transient perturbation growth, discrete and continuous spectrum.

Developed the curriculum (lectures and projects), composed lecture notes, and supervised the students’ projects.

Class Website

Fluid Mechanics (Visiting Lecturer; 2 lectures)

Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography, University of North Carolina Wilmington
Semester 2, 2018

Syllabus: Basics of pseudospectral methods for solving partial differential equations.

Lecture notes

Applied Mathematics III: Perturbations methods (Teaching assistant)

Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego
Spring Quarter, 2017
Lecturer: William R. Young

Syllabus: Regular and singular perturbation theory, asymptotic methods (method of steepest descent, WKB), method of multiple scales, boundary layer theory.

Held weekly recitation sessions and supervised students regarding their weekly homework assignments.

Class Website

Nonlinear dynamical systems (Teaching assistant)

Physics Department, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Spring semesters 2012, 2013, 2014
Lecturers: Petros J. Ioannou and Theocharis A. Apostolatos

Held tutorials on basic numerical methods for solving ODEs.

Class Website (greek)